Course Dates
Dates and brief outline for the current 3 year course 2022 to 2025:
1st – 7th September 2022: Residential Charney Manor. Introductory week
1st October 2022: Base chakra, Trauma, PTSD, Adrenals, Prescribing for Acutes
29th October 2022: Student Clinic, Mentorship, Skin, Remedies
26th November 2022: Acute & Chronic Disease, Chronic Case Taking, Miasms, Remedies
10th December 2022: Bones & Joints, Musculo Skeletal Disorders, Remedies
14th January 2023: Listening with Hands, Grounding, Remedies
11th February 2023: Acutes, Law of Similars, Law of Cure, Remedies
4th March 2023: Sacral Chakra, Generative Organs, Remedies
25th March 2023: Kidneys & Bladder, Mother Wound, Ancestral Healing, Remedies
22nd April 2023: Minimum Dose, Unprejudiced Observer, Sexism, Remedies
18th – 21st May 2023: Residential Charney Manor. Bowels & Gut, Solar Plexus, Liver, Pancreas, Spleen, Aggravations, Ameliorations, Philosophy, Remedies
10th June 2023: Year One round up, Chronic Case Analysis
7th – 13th September 2023: Residential Charney Manor. Heart, Lungs, Thymus, Trinity, Understanding the Immune System, Prescribing Methods, Remedies
30th September 2023: Tissue Salts, Dissertation Discussion
14th October 2023: Listening with Hands, Diaphragm, Remedies
4th November 2023: Magnesiums, Philosophy
25th November 2023: Guest Lecturer, Causticum
9th December 2023: Guest Lecturer, Bowel Nosodes
20th January 2024: Guest Lecturer, Herbal Medicine
17th February 2024: Hilary Fairclough, Remedies
9th March 2024: Throat, Thyroid, Remedies
13th April 2024: Ear, Nose & Throat, Eyes, The Kalis
11th May 2024: Guest Lecturer, Children, ACE’s
5th – 9th June 2024: Residential Charney Manor. Pregnancy, Child Birth, Breastfeeding, Birth Trauma, Remedies
12th – 18th September 2024: Residential Charney Manor. Pharmacology, Brow & Crown, ADHD, ASD, Death, Remedies
12th October 2024: Guest Lecturer, Narayani
9th November 2024: Cancer
30th November 2024: Hilary Fairclough, Remedies
14th December 2024: Guest Lecturer
18th January 2025: The Elderly, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Remedies
8th February 2025: Hilary Fairclough, Remedies
1st March 2025: Nervous System, MS, Parkinsonism, Epilepsy
22nd March 2025: Sleep, Brain, Headaches
12th April 2025: Hilary Fairclough, Remedies
10th May 2025: Mental Health, Setting Up in Practice, Remedies
5th – 8th June 2025: Residential Charney Manor. Summing Up, Cases, Setting Up in Practice cont’d, Overview of Chakras, First Aid Course
For anyone wishing to start the next intake of the River School of Homeopathy, it will be in March 2024 as follows:
- Commencing with a 5 day residential at Charney Manor from Monday 11th to Friday 15th March
- It will then run on the following Saturdays from Pearson Hall in Sonning on 13th April, 11th May, 8th June, 6th July, 14th September 2024
- And then another 5 day residential at Charney Manor from Monday 30th September until Friday 4th October
- And then on the following Saturdays from Pearson Hall in Sonning on 12th October, 9th November, 30th November, 14th December, 18th January 2025, 8th February
- A full 3 year course schedule will be posted in due course.
Please log your interest with Alex Britton at:
For further details please contact Helen on:
Mobile: 07788 188023