Helen Johnson, Director of the River School of Homeopathy, says… “After being in practice for 30 years, firstly as an Osteopath, Naturopath and Cranial Osteopath, and then as a Homeopath, I became inspired to design an unique course in homeopathy drawing on this wide range of knowledge, skills and experience. I believe that the four disciplines alongside a solid foundation in anatomy, physiology, pathology and medical diagnosis are of paramount importance when dealing with the human condition and ill-health.
In 1996, I had the great blessing of completing a 2 year post graduate course with the Guild of Homeopaths where I learnt from Janice Micaleff, Martin Miles and Colin Griffiths. This course both deepened my knowledge and awakened in me an appreciation of the importance of the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the role of trauma in ill-health, and its relationship to the endocrine and the chakra systems.
I was then fortunate enough to work alongside Dr Ramakrishnan, a brilliant Indian homeopath who was trained by Margery Blackie, the first female Royal Physician to Queen Elizabeth II and founder of the Homeopathic Hospital in London. Dr Ramakrishnan and I ran a homeopathic practice together for several years, where he shared his incredible knowledge and experience with me.
It is through this work that I learned the immense healing power of well prescribed homeopathy. Importantly Dr Ramakrishnan taught me a method of using homeopathy that works deeply but is relatively simple to prescribe. I am passionate to pass this knowledge on as well as blending the art of homeopathy with the principles of osteopathy, naturopathy and a holistic approach to health. My vision is now to create a strong new generation of inspired homeopaths who I like to call ‘soul doctors’.
Our Aims Are
– To develop practitioners who have an integrated approach to treatment – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
– To develop practitioners who are confident and comfortable in trusting themselves in both their knowledge (intellect) and knowing (intuition).
– To help practitioners develop a heart-centered practice in which they understand that self-love and acceptance are the bases for non-judgmental compassion for others.
– To help practitioners develop their knowledge, skills and innate wisdom in a safe, immersive and loving environment for learning.
The Course
This innovative homeopathy training course will take you through the different systems of the body in an integrated and methodical way by exploring one of the body systems each weekend.
There will be a ‘live’ student teaching clinic so that you will experience directly how knowledge, theories and approaches can be put into practice.
The core learning will be on the art and science of homeopathy but alongside we will teach associated subjects and holistic healing tools incorporating how to approach all levels of imbalance – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

The system of medicine developed by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1845) which matches a homeopathic remedy to a symptom picture to stimulate the body to heal itself.
Homeopathy is a complex science and art, but we will teach it with as much simplicity as possible, and without fear. We are influenced in our teaching by how homeopathy is practically and widely used in India. We will keep information precise and clear so that you will not become overwhelmed.
You will learn homeopathic theory based on Samuel Hahnemann’s Organon; different methods of prescribing from the classical single remedy to the layers approaches; the key homeopathic remedies (Materia Medica); case-taking and case-management skills; and how to become a keen and sensitive observer of your patients.
You will also be taken through the fascinating journey of homeopathic philosophy. Homeopathic information is vast, and has expanded enormously over the last 50 years, to the extent that some of the key principles have become confused. Our aim is to teach the real nuts and bolts of this incredible medicine so that all students feel confident and clear in their practice.
Anatomy & Physiology
“Anatomy, physiology, pathology including diagnostic techniques and medical drugs and treatments with their side-effects.”
These subjects will be taught in an integrated way: in your lectures, you will gain the important factual knowledge alongside how to identify the corresponding organ’s energy blocks and the indicated homeopathic remedies and different therapeutic support measures.
Other Methods
Naturopathy – The true art of being a physician based on the original teaching of Hippocrates – the father of Medicine – which is based on the theory that ‘nature knows’. You will learn how the body can heal if it’s given the right environment such as healthy work, food, posture, breathing, relationships and lifestyle.
Traditional Chinese Medicine – the basic principles of the Five Element Theory which teaches us how to see patterns of imbalance in the body and which of the 5 main organs are out of balance.
The Chakra System – a spiritual approach deriving from ancient Hindu and Yoga teachings which is a way of understanding the subtle wheels of energy in the body and how they relate to the different endocrine glands.
Principles of Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy – you will learn a basic approach to touch and observation to detect structural imbalance and organ weakness, energetic blockages, emotions and traumas.
Trauma Theory – the importance of how trauma including early childhood issues can deeply disturb the endocrine, nervous and immune systems.
Spiritual Approach – inspired by the history of the philosophy of health and illness from Plato onwards, an understanding of the esoteric aspects of healing. Plato said “this is the great error of our day that in the treatment of the human being, the physicians separate the soul from the body”.
Self-Care – being a healthy practitioner. Throughout the course there will be emphasis on your own healing journey and we will help you to become a confident, loving, non-judgmental and unique practitioner.
There will be no formal exams.
You will be assessed on the supervised cases you take throughout the course, and you will be assigned some interesting and thought provoking essays.
We will set a short quiz each month to encourage you to refresh your knowledge of the previous month’s study.
You will need to complete a dissertation in the final year as we believe that finding an area of health that especially interests you will help you to develop your practice.
You will be assigned a supervisor / mentor who will be a practicing homeopath and who has been selected to support you. We see this as a very important part of your training. They will assist you in case analysis and we also encourage your mentors to share their wisdom with you as you develop the art of practicing. In addition to the college hours you will be expected to attend at least 22 hours of mentorship over the 3 years. You will also receive group support from your tutors and fellow students at each residential weekend.